Sunday, June 22, 2008

Best Dog Show Ever...

I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Not your mother's paper dolls...

For those who don't know, MuteMath is a (very) alternative band with roots in the Christian alternative band "Earthsuit." I don't where their heads and hearts are at for the moment...but their music still has a spiritual component AND THEY TOTALLY ROCK!

Okay, this video's just not right...I wonder how long it took to put this mind-bender together?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Education is easy!

Wow, has education gotten too easy or what?

I mean, all the teacher has to do is read the AIMS test ahead of time (don't get caught!) and teach the kids the answers. If it's not on the test you don't have to teach it! Kids don't have to learn any of that other crap like music, physical education and sports, creative problem solving, in short, anything that involves that pesky right brain. Let the TV advertisers fill that up when the kids get home after a fun day of exams.

Parents, watch the following video with your kids and reassure them that life is easy and they don't have to think for themselves anymore!