Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hangovers in Middle School?

I mentioned in yesterday's blog entry that the kids have "checked out." Upon reflection, it seems I overlooked an important component in their lack of focus.

They're all hung over.

No, I don't think they all got plastered over the weekend (at least I'm pretty certain my 6th graders didn't). Their hangovers were caused by an entire week of intense testing the week before. They're spent. Wiped. Toast.

The timing of the testing could have been worse but it would have taken careful planning to cause more disruption. (Shh, don't tell the powers that be...they might make it worse.)

As I mentioned yesterday, we're approaching the end of the year. However, there is still much to be accomplished; concepts to learn, concerts to play, and in-house testing to do.

Should the timing of the AIMS test be changed? This author thinks so. If the testing occurred much later in the year - closer to the end of school and after many important functions have already occurred - the "hangover" would have much less of an effect on learning...virtually all of the learning for the year would be finished. In the week or so prior to the testing teachers could focus on the upcoming examinations and coach the students toward their best performance. Afterward, the last week of school could be used for wrapping up the year and for the inevitable final festivities.

AIMS administrators, please review your timing...our kids can't handle the extended hangover.

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