Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ETC 558...The Journal Begins

I’ve decided that I’m going to do OK in my ETC 558 course…I haven’t yet figured out exactly how I’m going to accomplish that goal, however. The discussion areas are not only stimulating but they seem to make the most sense. It appears most, if not all, of my classmates are educators and share many of the same educational frustrations as do I.

I do find it difficult to keep all of the various and sundry assignment straight. It seems I am continually finding a piece of information I previously overlooked. I also, with two jobs already and the start of school, am finding it difficult to put more than an hour or two together at one time – save for weekends.

I suppose I do get a bit frustrated when “life” interferes with my schooling. I would like nothing better than to have one day a week I could do nothing but work on the class.

So far, in my Ed Tech program I have managed, despite often overwhelming odds, to maintain a 4.0. That, for me, was previously unheard of. I did not “do school” well. I often remember the help my late son, Tim, gave me in the early days of my graduate endeavor. He remains an inspiration even now.

I’ve heard it said that online learning is more difficult. I would concur with the proviso that, despite the workload, being able to set my own hours helps. Even though it is difficult to put two hours together at one time I find that I can squeeze some learning into whatever time I can find. Online learning does have its advantages, especially if one is computer savvy.

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